Volunteering Stories

Ellie has been volunteering with us for 3 years.  She started as a weekend volunteer while she was still at school.  Now she attends SGS in Filton and comes to the Farm once a week for her work experience.  She doing  Animal Care Level 2 Diploma.

She says that the experiences she gained whilst volunteering at the Farm have definitely helped her deal with the transition from school to college and helped her get on her course.  Skills such as being able to work as part of a team, time management, the ability to use her initiative and to work on her own have been vital.

Ellie has also just started a job with British Home Stores at The Mall.  She says that volunteering at the Farm helped her get this job because they were impressed with her volunteering commitment and that she seemed very mature for her age.  The Farm also provided Ellie with a reference, which can be hard to come by when you’re young.

Ellie still loves coming to the Farm and has always valued being treated as an adult and being given responsiblity.
