Category Archives: Farm Hands

Farm Hands Stories

This week Sunday Farm Hands got really experimental with the herbs growing on the farm.  Here on of them tells us all about it in their own words……

First we went to the garden to try some herbs. We smelt them and tasted them. I really liked the sage, it was hard and chewy with a flavour I really liked. The herbs we tried were (clockwise from the top) parsley, rosemary, fennel, sage, marjoram and chives. After that we washed them and put them in cups  with some beaten egg and popped them in the microwave for about 30 seconds to make mini omelettes . We then put them in two bowls and ate them all up! Sage was still a favourite, but I also really liked the marjoram.  Then we took some cuttings from the herbs and took them to the polytunnel  and put them in plant pots, to make new plants. We also took some plants home for cooking . After that I filled up some watering cans and watered some plants near the polytunnel. At the end we went to put the guinea pigs and chickens away. I carried a chicken and a guinea pig into the barn.

A note from one of our Farm Hands

Hi my name is Courtney and I’m a Farm Hand at the local community farm in Lawrence Weston. I’ve been a Farm Hand for about three  months now and I love everything about it already.  We do loads of fun things such as:

  • Hold chickens.
  • Collect the yummy chicken and duck eggs.
  • Bake banana bread.
  • Go on scavenger hunts
  • Mucking out
  • Pick fresh rhubarb from the garden and baked a rhubarb crumble with it.
  • Go in all of the pens.
  • Make awesome dens
  • Outdoor art with different berries and leaves

We have done lots more things too but it would take up the whole page to write them all.

Everyone and anyone is allowed to be a farm hand as long as they are 8-11 years old no matter what shapes or sizes they are, as long as they come from the local area. Being a farm hand is the best thing that ever happened to me and I wouldn’t change a thing for the life of me. We learn new things every session and have the best time ever.

 I love being a farm hand!


Courtney (aged 10)


A Day in the Life of a Farm Hand (Chick Time!)

Below is an interview with one of our Farm Hand volunteers Seth…

Question: What do you do at Farm Hands?

Answer: Hold chicks, have fun with pigs, play in the woods, do mucking out, goats – we collect leaves for them, play games and cuddle the Jacob lambs (but the adults sometimes get very scared of us).

Question: How do you feel about Farm Hands?

Answer: I feel GREAT!!!

Question: What’s your favourite job on the Farm?

Answer: Holding CHICKS!!

Question: Have you made friends at farm??

Answer: YES EVERYONE….Barbara, Jake, TJ, Aimee-Claire, Dom, Ruben, Libby, Lottie, Olivia, Luke, Tia & Tobias (Group, Leaders & Volunteers)

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Farm Hands Summer 2015

The Farm Hands are coming to the end of a busy summer! We’ve been looking after the animals, tending to the veg patch and greenhouse and have even managed to squeeze in the odd bit of tree climbing.


Farm Hands

Farm Hands

Farm Hands – Saturday 10th January ……. a busy day indeed!



Today we were lucky enough to have 4 Farm Hands in both our morning and afternoon groups so we were able to get lots of work done!

This morning we practiced our animal handling, cleaned out the rabbit pen, fed the pigs some carrots, collected the eggs and enjoyed some well earned hot chocolates.

This afternoon we mucked out the big chicken shed (a bit of a stinky job!), introduced some new chickens into the flock and herded them all into their freshly made beds.

Good work all round!! 🙂


Farm Hands Saturday 18th October

Quote from the Farm Hands themselves today ‘Wonderful day working with our new Farm Hand’. Over the past couple of weeks the 2 groups of Farm Hands have taken part in everything from goat walking to garlic planting. Lots of hard work and muddy boots all round.

