Lawrence Weston Community Farm

Support the Farm

help support us

Lawrence Weston Community Farm is a registered charity. We do not charge for entry, so every donation we receive helps us remain as a free, safe, public green space for the enjoyment of everyone.

Donations help us to continue to support many people in need in our local community with our targeted services, activities and projects. Regular donations are particularly useful - even the price of a coffee every month makes a difference to us!

You can also:

  • Become a member of the farm. Click here for our Membership Form
  • Volunteer
  • Tell your friends about us
  • Suggest that the firm you work for sponsors the farm or holds a corporate volunteering day here
  • Take part in our family activities
  • Hire our Training Room for a business meeting, training course or event
  • Encourage your child's school to visit
  • Buy some of our delicious locally produced meat, eggs and vegetables
  • Shop via GiveasyouLive and each purchase you make will raise money!
  • Remember us in your will
  • Help us to fundraise
  • Learn something new on one of our courses

Leave a Gift in your Will

Leaving a legacy in your Will, large or small, to Lawrence Weston Community Farm would make a real difference by helping us to continue to meet the needs of our local community, not just now, but also in the years to come.

Lawrence Weston Community Farm
Saltmarsh Drive
BS11 0NJ

0117 938 1128

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Opening times

Open all year Tuesday to Sunday. Free entry.

9.30am - 4.30pm

Closed on Mondays, but open for Bank Holiday Mondays.

No dogs except assistance dogs.

Registered Charity No: 1046563. Company No: 03040752.